Mens’ breakfast
At the Men’s Breakfast, you can expect a great breakfast buffet and a new, exciting speaker each time. Men’s Breakfast is a great opportunity for you to invite your friends, colleagues, brothers, fathers or sons! Be part of it!
Mens’ adventure
Depending on the season, you can usually join us on Saturdays for an outdoor or indoor event. Our main focus is to experience community and have fun. If you have an idea, you are welcome to participate.
Mens’ inspiration
A lecture, life testimonies, communal Bible studies ….
Depending on the current situation, we meet one evening during the week, currently online via Zoom, to listen and exchange ideas.
In the calendar you will find the current dates and the link to register!
All events
Männer Event XXL - Last Man StandingSicherer Stand in stürmischen Zeiten
Simon Lämmle (Pastor ICF Winterthur) wird mit uns authentisch auf seine stürmischen Zeiten schauen und mit uns Teilen, wie er damit umgeht.
Selbstverständlich wird es, wie es sich für ein Männerevent gehört, leckere Burger, Bier und Cocktails geben.