Emotional and spiritual support

Sometimes, life shows its rough side and hurts our hearts. Changes will occur if you do not close your eyes to the truth, place hope in God, and take responsibility. A team of trained pastoral counsellors will accompany you selectively in mental or spiritual challenges.

Why should I make use of pastoral care?

In pastoral care, you will be free from needs, burdens and captivities through the healing power of Jesus Christ. 
Here, the overwhelming love of Jesus touches you, through which you can find repentance, forgiveness, and freedom. The goal of pastoral care is that with God’s help, you can (further) develop your sound foundation of faith and lead an independent life for the first time or again in full strength and strength.

In the following complex and difficult life situations we will gladly offer you our help and support:

  • Burnout symptoms
  • Addiction
  • Misappropriation
  • Overstrain in life
  • Coming to terms with the past
  • Dramatic experiences (suicide, death etc.)
  • Complex family situations (patchwork etc.)


Prayer pastoral care:

A concrete request can be solved in a single prayer. We work in a team of 1-2 pastors and with an intercession team. Our pastors work together with various external consultants, doctors, therapists and institutions. External consultants are subject to a fee.

Individual pastoral care:

A complex situation often requires a process. The pastoral care then consists of 3 to 5 meetings.

Each session lasts approx. 1.5 hours