A new church experience
ICF is a non-denominational church built with the Bible as its foundation.
Authentic, relevant and excited about life with God.

Welcome to our ICF Church website. ICF means International Christian Fellowship. We are a contemporary christian church that is creative, innovative and sometimes a little bit crazy. With a clear yes to life, we live the dream of a church at the heartbeat of time with all the possibilities that are in our hands today. We are all about getting people excited to live a life with Jesus Christ! In this church we experience and get to know God personally, we build relationships with others and discover, use and develop our talents and God-given potential. In a contemporary way we shout out the greatest news ever told: God loves us and desires to have a personal, real relationship with us! We do so with exciting music, relevant preachings, and the latest technology. And together with every single person contributing, the dream becomes reality. We cannot wait to welcome you to one of our celebrations at our different locations!
We love to have you as a part of our ICF Church family!
Leo & Susanna Bigger
Senior Pastors ICF Church
As a church, it is our passion for people to become more like Jesus Christ,
live fearlessly and have a positive influence on their world.
Our Dream
ICF Church has locations all over Europe and beyond.
Find a location near you.
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our passion is your adventure with God
With those ministries, it is our desire to get people excited for the love of God and help them to strengthen their faith.
ICF College
God is looking for people who are ready to put everything on one card! Discover your calling, get the tools, let your passion spark and grow in your practical Bible knowledge. We want to become more like Jesus and fearlessly change our world. We train leaders for the local church. We are ICF College.